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Why Do Players Appear Blue in Console Wot

#1 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 07:12


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Hi guys, ok first off im not a newcomer, in fact i just made Hall of Fame for finishing my 1000th mission (ya i know everyone who hits 1000 gets in, lolz), but i didnt know where else to post this so here we go. When im in the garage in the top left corner theres the players name. Well once in awhile my name isnt the standard white color, its a luminous teal, also same when im waiting to enter a battle & all the players names are displayed mines the teal & again while in battle my vehicle in the team listings it teal, but only once in awhile. Now ive seen during some battles on the minimap a vehicle (just one) that is that color, but when i ask players what it is i get answers ranging from an observer vehicle to a Wargaming experimental vehicle to one of the "Hunt the Pro's" targets. So anyone out there know? An if im actually a "Hunt the Pro's" target, can i commit suicide by like driving off a cliff & collect the prize for myself? LMA0 jk xD

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Dhizi #2 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 07:14


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If your name is Blue/Teal = You are doing team damage and if it occurs anymore, you will be banned for a certain period of time.

AKA, stop shooting allies. Blue marks you as a consistent team-damaging tank.

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Insert_Paranoia #3 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 07:15


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Ok well your name would only turn teal like that if you've hit friendlies enough for it to no longer be unintentional.

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lamplight #4 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 07:15


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idk even what to say here

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rich73 #5 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 07:24


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This guy will fit right in.

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Playz4Fun #6 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 07:33


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1109 battles and it took this player this long to learn what team killing does? I don't buy it, this is a troll thread and I am reporting it as such.

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Cutthroatlemur #7 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 07:48


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View PostDhizi, on Mar 08 2017 - 22:14, said:

If your name is Blue/Teal = You are doing team damage and if it occurs anymore, you will be banned for a certain period of time.

AKA, stop shooting allies. Blue marks you as a consistent team-damaging tank.


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Viper900 #8 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 07:49

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The sketch is real with this one...

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LastoftheFallen #9 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 07:50

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Funny how the account in the image only shows 4 battles played.  Looks like that account was reset by wargaming due to too many shenanigans.  Clearly this is a troll post

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ShookYang #10 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 07:50


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Pretty sure the screenshots you posted are from your Alt account, since your forum name is not the same as in the screenshot.

Tsk, tsk.

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Manimal__ #11 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 08:52


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View PostDhizi, on Mar 08 2017 - 22:14, said:

If your name is Blue/Teal = You are doing team damage and if it occurs anymore, you will be banned for a certain period of time.

AKA, stop shooting allies. Blue marks you as a consistent team-damaging tank.

So what you're saying is that I haven't been blue/teal/unicum all those times???? :(

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Sleeper_1950 #12 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 10:16


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you ,tanker, are a team killer.

come back when you have a few battles in.

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Gbert #13 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 11:20


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Yes it is a troll thread, but it could have been real. I have a few more games than him and had no idea your name changed colour as a warning. Has never happened to me...I guess concentrating on shooting at red tanks works.

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Wyldcardz #14 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 11:22


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God dam all you fu cks are know it all's huh? & evidently not only perfect playing smart asses, but illiterate to. Hey umm LastoftheFallen & the other dumb fahq Sleeper, please go back to school & learn to read. I stated in my post Sleeper that i just completed my 1000th mission, how many do i have to have according to you for it to be a few more? 10,000?

An because a bot got in the way of one of my shots & i was zoomed in all the way & didnt see him till after i shot him, imma team killer? Wow, i guess your just fahqing perfect huh? If you were only going by the name on the screenshot when you looked up my profile, maybe next time, also look up the players name that posted the question...aka Wyldcardz, because if you had done that to, you wouldnt have your foot in your mouth right now because youd see it says 1000 missions completed just like i said in the post. An LastoftheFallen, i think you need glasses, because i dont see anywhere in the image i posted where it states 4 battles i played, although yes that is true, just 4. You also made another mistake among your many. You assumed something that wasnt in fact, that wasnt true & then turned around based on your incorrect assumption & embarrassed yourself by again assumoing that the account was reset & then calling me a troll poster. Which to be honest i have no clue what it is, lol, i just know im not because as the only smart player here that was intelligent enough to look up both player names (its ShookYang for you idiots to stupid to klnow who im reffering to) has stated, this is my alt account that i created 2 or 3 days ago.

And Playz4Fun you ignorant fahq, how would i know what the color means if i had ever shot a team member before? Hmm? Huh, im sorry whats that you said? I cant hear you over the sheer stupidity of your statement. So i should have umm what? Looked up every rule, meaning, defenition & everything else about the game so i knew everything before i started playing? Did you do that to? What was that? NO???? You didnt, oh my god. Then what the hell gives you the right to make that statement bro? An yes by all means please do waste your time & report me. I mean even if i had known what the color meant? wthare you reporting me for? Lying in a post? Or being ignorant & not knowing what the color meant? If so report also please ever mother f**ker in this post to, because every one of you know it all, high horse riding, perfect playing [edited]holes did the same were ignorant for one reason or another EXCEPT ShookYang who was smart & researched before he posted.

My god seriously you guys, i came here to post a question about something i didnt know, this is a FORUM where you do that. An are supposed to get help. Did i? Kinna, i found the answer to my qurestion, but i was also, belittled, falsly accused, slandered & other things. All because assumptions were made & other stuff. Its no wonder this game is loosing players, with fellow players like you guys, it makes me wanna leave to. Btw to, post whatever else you want here, i will not be checking this post again, it will just be the same crapfrom you guys & i already have high enough blood pressure......



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E25_Syndrome_Aito #15 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 12:27


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Why are you so ' disappointed ' and ' angry ' my friend?

Your ' question ' did get answered right in the first reply.

With some hints even.

Path like that, is not the correct choice.

As it turns out, but best of luck to you.

My friend.

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The_German_Tanker_ #16 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 12:32


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At the risk of being insulted as an unintelligent "fahq".

1. You rant about people need to go back to school, well you wanna run that route at least do a spell check before you post your rant.

2. You do NOT turn blue by dealing only one shot to a friendly it takes a couple which means you have been dealing out some team damage maybe even a team kill. So don not play innocent here

3. Threatening to leave the game will bother no one apart maybe from some one at wargaming if you are a big spender which I doubt

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Dratt_Dastardly #17 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 12:39


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Yeah, your questioned was answered.  Honestly, I've turned blue before years ago and never noticed it in the garage.  But your attack on some of the less disireable posters is awfully strong for the normal stupid negative replies.  And by not ignoring those posts, you open up yourself to even more negative replies and possible, crap, can't think of the word but getting in trouble with WG.

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Dratt_Dastardly #18 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 13:12


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Also wanted to add some things.

In World of Warships, you turn pink for team damage.  But it's easier to do unintentional damage (most are from torpedoes, some from automatic secondaries, and tunnel vision while zoomed in to the target).  However, it again shows you how many battles it will take to remove the color, at the end battle results.  As for as I know, World of Tanks does not have anywhere that shows it.  WoT also has a varying degree of being blue.  If your team damage is not much (or penalty is about to expire), it will show you as blue but during games, everyone else sees you white.  It's why you occasionally see in the chat, someone asking if they are blue still.

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uberdice #19 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 13:54


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I like that he got extremely defensive and started calling people names almost instantaneously after receiving negative feedback.

I guess at least he didn't waste anyone's time and made it clear what sort of discourse we can expect here.

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MacDaddyMatty #20 Posted Mar 09 2017 - 13:54


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I'm closing in on 10k battles and I am an ABSOLUTE noob. Prob still will be at 100k.

As long as there is something for me to learn it will be this way.

Good for you OP for mastering the game at 1k.

BTW, I tried but could not read your post #14 in the thread.

Too much David Mamet, not enough Niel deGrass Tyson.

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